Are you in love with your career? You should be!
In today’s world, working adults spend the majority of their waking hours dedicated to their careers during the work week. Monday through Friday very little time is left after the career, daily routines, errands, commuting, spending time with friends and significant others, and potentially raising a family – if even all of those areas receive the dedicated time they deserve. So it stands to reason that if a professional doesn’t love their job they are likely to be unfulfilled in their life!
If you find yourself checking the clock, eagerly anticipating the close of the work day, and daydreaming about activities outside the workplace – it may be time for a career change. If you do not look forward to the start of each workday and are unhappy and unfulfilled, if you are not in love with your career, you should be!

People Who Enjoy Their Job Do Better In It
You’ve heard the phrase: “If you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life.” This is a true statement because if you love your job, you won’t mind spending 40 or more hours a week working. You’ll look forward to Mondays and will achieve outstanding results.
If you are passionate about your job you will be more dedicated to improving your skills and knowledge, which will lead to greater results and more opportunities. You’ll inspire the people around you, and feel more accomplished.
A satisfying and challenging career will change your life. Where do you start? How do you know which job is the right one? How do you go after it?
Begin The Path To Your New Career Today!
Your expert career coach at Andy Thomas Careers Now can guide you to identify your strengths and determine a career that fits you personally and professionally. We are there with you every step of the way, from resume writing and interview prep to executive coaching. No matter where you are in your career, we are confident we can help. Contact Andy Thomas Careers Now for more information.
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